Brisbane, Qld.

Visiting the Gayundah.
An informal inspection of the Queensland gunboat Gayundah and the naval stores was made yesterday, by a number of members of Parliament. The party was courteously received on board by Captain Taylor, senior naval officer, and shown all over the ship, and the men were put through several movements, executing their work in a first-class manner. Among the officers of the ship present were Staff-paymaster Pollock, Staff-engineer Bennett, Torpedo- engineer Russell, and  Navigating-lieutenant Preston. These officers explained at length the use of various things on board under their immediate supervision. A visit was then made to the naval stores at Kangaroo Point, and were here shown a number of articles of warfare, and Torpedo-instructor Mills explained the construction of the torpedo, and showed various ways in which a mine could be discharged. The party were very much impressed with what they saw and also received a good deal of instruction. Captain Taylor pointed out several things to the members of which they had hitherto been in complete ignorance, and the visit ought to prove of considerable advantage to the marine defenders of the colony. Previous to returning to town the party were rowed down to the Merrie England and the members went on board to bid good-bye to Sir William Macgregor.

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947)  Thu 12 Sep 1889   Page 4