Work for the Gayundah.

Work for the Gayundah.

The Premier has received from the Imperial Government the following reply to his offer of the warship Gayundah :-

“Whereas by an Order in Council of this day’s date Her Majesty was pleased, by and with the consent of her Privy Council, to approve the provision, maintenance, and use by the colony of Queensland of certain armed vessels and the raising and maintaining the seamen and others entered thereon, for the purpose of defending the coasts of the colony of Queensland and of co-operating with the ships of the Royal Navy.

“And whereas by an Act of the Imperial Legislature, entitled the Colonial Naval Defence Act. 1865, it was amongst other things enacted that it shall be lawful for Her Majesty in Council, from (time) to time as occasion requires, and on such conditions as seem fit, to authorise the Admiralty to accept any offer for the time being made by the Government of a colony to place at Her Majesty’s disposal any vessel of war provided by that Government, and the men and officers from time to time serving therein; and while any vessel accepted by the Admiralty under such authority is at the disposal of Her Majesty, such vessel shall be deemed to all intents a vessel of war of the Royal Navy, and the men and officers from time to time serving in such vessel shall be deemed to all intents men and officers of the Royal Navy, and shall accordingly be subject to all enactments and regulations for the time being in force for the discipline of the Royal Navy.

“And whereas the Government of the colony of Queensland hath offered to place the armed vessel Gayundah and the men and officers serving therein at Her Majesty’s disposal.

“Now, therefore, in pursuance of the last above recited Act, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the consent of her Privy Council, to authorise the Admiralty to accept, for such time as the Admiralty may approve, the offer so made by the Government of the said colony of Queensland to place at Her Majesty’s disposal the abovenamed vessel the Gayundah and the men and officers serving therein.

“And whereas by an Act of the Imperial Legislature intituled The Colonial Naval Defence Act, 1865, it was, amongst other things enacted, in any colony it shall be lawful for the proper legislative authority with the approval of Her Majesty in Council from time to time to make provision for effecting, at the expense of the colony, amongst others, the purposes following, viz., for providing, maintaining, and using a vessel or vessels of war subject to such conditions and for such purposes, as Her Majesty in Council from time to time approves, and for raising and maintaining seamen and others entered on the terms of being bound to serve, as ordered in any such vessel.

“And whereas by an Act of the Legislature of the Colony of Queensland, No. 27 of 1881 (or 1884?), to which said Act the Royal assent has been duly given, the Governor of the said colony of Queensland is empowered to raise and maintain such and so many officers and seamen as may from time to time be required to man any armed ships or vessels belong to Her Majesty’s Colonial Government and it is enacted by the said Act, that the officers of such ships shall be appointed during pleasure and the seamen shall be enlisted in the prescribed manner, and for the prescribed period of service, &c.

“And whereas the Legislative authority of the said colony have made provision for effecting the aforesaid purposes, and the said colony have caused to be constructed certain armed vessels.

“Now, therefore, in pursuance of the first above recited Act, Her Majesty is pleased by and with the consent of the Privy Council, to approve the provision, maintenance, and use of the said vessels and the raising and maintaining the seamen and others entered thereon, for the purpose of defending the coasts of the said colony, and co-operating with the ships of the Royal Navy.

“June 24, 1885”

The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 – 1934)  Sat 12 Sep 1885  Page 8


So I suppose that is a “yes, when we need it we’ll take it” answer.